Sunday 24 February 2013



Our human and her mother have discussed at length, arrangements for the future.  Banjo and I are to go traveling, with our human. It is all arranged.

We travel by car to the port (though neither of us even know what that means) then.... Oh I forgot, yes we have other things to do first....,Yes thats right...

1. Vet visit - some kind of Snip and jab, whatever that is about.
2. Return to vet for check-up.
3. Human Learn to Drive
4. Human nanny to visit us.
5. buy vehicle.
6. last visit to vet.
7. load vehicle. We get to travel on seats behind humans.
8. travel to port.
9. 24 hours later, walk on other side of the road.
10. travel to NEW LIFE.

It all seems rather exciting but Banjo and I really have no idea what all the fuss is about, what or who is Vet? and what or who is Port and could some one please explain what a vehicle is.

Apart from all that.. us two hounds are rather excited by the whole thing as our human keeps having parcels come to our house and lots of time the phone rings and then people come and measure things like our upstairs windows and so many other things are happening it is hard to keep up. We have even been bought our own individual carry crates - though Banjo has to have his returned as he is too big for it.

We know our human as Mom so that is what she will be known as throughout this blog. Obviously she is not our natural mother as that would not be possible, we are dogs of the four-legged kind and she is human of the two legged kind.

We will be keeping this blog going up to and beyond our journey to our NEW LIFE. We all hope you will join us and keep up with us.